Definition, Types, and Implementation of Streaming

Definition, Types, and Implementation of Streaming

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Most of you must have streamed before, whether streaming movies, music or something else. In the current era of technological development, streaming is one of the activities that is close to us.

But are you sure you understand what streaming is? Well, that’s why this time Hosteko will help you find out more about streaming. So, see the explanation below.

What is Streaming?

Streaming is a technology for sending both video and audio data in a compressed form via the internet network. The data is displayed on the player application in real time.

You as a user need the application to decompress it so that the data that has been sent can appear on your device’s monitor screen. The application can be part of the browser or software. Because it’s done in real time right away, users don’t need to download it which has to be stored locally on their cellphone or PC.

You can watch the video or music continuously without having to download it, so it doesn’t fill up the device’s memory. Usually the video or audio will be created first and then uploaded to the application or streaming site. However, usually several applications and sites also provide features to download these videos so they can be enjoyed offline.

Stream Type

When viewed from its type, there are at least 2 types of streaming that are used by the public today. First is Prerecord Streaming and second is Live Streaming. Of course there are differences in these two types of streaming.

1. Live streaming

The first type of streaming is live streaming, maybe some of you are familiar with this name. Streaming of this type has indeed been done a lot. Live Streaming is a live broadcast activity, which means content creators or content owners carry out activities by recording live and broadcasting through the media used.

In live streaming activities, every second the audience can see what you do with the content. So, viewers can also respond and interact directly, and this can also help social media to become lively and engagement to increase.

2. Prerecord streaming

Apart from live streaming, there is also prerecord streaming. In contrast to live streaming, if live streaming is carried out and recorded directly, then for prerecorded streaming is a broadcast that is carried out after the content owner has made the video first.

So, the content owner first creates audio or video which is then stored first, after which it is uploaded on the social media used. After uploading, other users can start watching the content.

For those of you who always watch streaming, here are some legal streaming applications that you can use. Below we will discuss one by one.

1. YouTube

The first application is YouTube. It seems that almost everyone has used this application, even from children to adults. In the YouTube application, you can watch and listen to music, watch various videos here. You can also download it so you can watch it offline.

Now, the YouTube site already has millions of users, and currently Youtube has equipped it with a live streaming feature. So, you can see your favorite YouTubers live, both live streaming music, podcasts, video games, and so on.

So, who doesn’t know this YouTube site? For those of you who want to find YouTube creator content, you can read the book Race to Become Populer on YouTube. In this book, readers will find out how we can become youtube content known to many people. Get this book immediately, by clicking the image below.

2. Video

Then the next application is Vidio. Initially, this content only appeared to broadcast content from television such as Indosiar, SCTV, and Vidio users. However, since 2015, this application can be used as live streaming, and also streaming various kinds of films.

In addition, you can also access it for free or premium. If you use premium, of course you have to subscribe, but you will get more features and facilities. There will be various live streams that you can watch, starting from concerts, news, local and even foreign radio. Very interesting isn’t it?

3. Netflix

Furthermore, there is also a streaming application called Netflix, in which this application provides various streaming services that are original and of course legal. There are many films here that you can watch, ranging from local films, film series, to foreign films such as Asian films and Korean dramas, and so on.

Apart from that, this application also provides a feature to be able to download movies first, and can watch them offline later. So, if you want to get all this access, and your favorite movies, then you must have an account and subscribe every month.

So, are you a fan of enigmatic movies? Or Drama? Everything is available on Netflix. For you fans of enigmatic films, the book Innocent (The Innocent Man).

4. Viu

The last legal streaming application is Viu. The Viu application is no less cool and populer than Netflix, because Viu also broadcasts various kinds of films, reality shows, and dramas from various countries that are not broadcast in Indonesia.

So, you can access it via the site or directly download it via the App Store or Play store. The Viu application is the same as other live streaming, which provides free and paid services.

Application of Streaming in the Modern Era

In this online era, streaming technology is very helpful for many people. By streaming, it can help the broadcasting process more effectively and help the publication process of interest. Apart from saving time, this allows content creators to be closer to their audience.

Even though it is sometimes considered wasteful because it uses up a lot of quota, this method is still widely chosen, because viewers also don’t have to bother downloading it first, which will actually make your device’s memory full.

This streaming service has helped many users and many parties. Among them we often know, for example in the eSports industry which broadcasts their tournaments live. With live broadcasts like this, you will automatically get a large number of viewers and in a short time.

Difference between Streaming and Live Streaming

Because there are still users who are still confused about the difference between the two, therefore we will discuss what streaming is and how it differs from live streaming.

1. Stream

Watching movies, videos, or listening to music is now even easier. The trick is to watch streaming through certain applications.

So, streaming is the activity of watching videos or listening to audio that has been uploaded to the internet without the need to download it and the content can be watched repeatedly.

The uploaded videos usually go through the editing process first, only then are they uploaded to the streaming application.

2. Live Streaming

The meaning of streaming and live streaming is actually the same, that is, they both enjoy broadcasts or videos from an application. It’s just that, if streaming can be watched repeatedly, then live streaming is the other way around.

You can only see it while the broadcast is in progress. Some examples of live streaming are concerts, music, or other events. Usually, live streaming is more attractive to users because they can interact right away with people who are live. Besides that, because it was broadcast right then and there, the video was without edits.

To make it easier to understand, below is a table of the differences.

Streamlive streaming
Videos are created first, usually going through an editing processThe video is broadcast right away so there is no editing
Can be watched repeatedlyCan only watch one broadcast in progress
Downloadable and available offlineCannot be downloaded and is not available offline
Cannot interact directly with content creatorsCan interact directly via comments

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