Rootkit: Definition, Types and How to Overcome It

Title: Rootkit: Definition, Types and How to Overcome It
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Rootkits are one of the pieces of malware to watch out for because they are specifically designed to manipulate the operating system directly onto the hardware. The beauty of this rootkit is that it can hide their presence, but while they remain hidden, they are active.

Because of this prowess, computer users are often not aware of the existence of this rootkit on their devices. For information, the existence of rootkits allows cyber criminals to steal personal data and financial information. Therefore, it is important to prevent these rootkits from growing on the device.

So that your device can avoid this rootkit, consider the following explanation.

Definition of Rootkits

Rootkits are a type of malware are hidden and designed to hide the presence of certain processes or programs on a computer from conventional detection methods, thereby allowing malicious access to the computer.

Rootkits are not really malicious malware, but they can hide malicious activity. Attackers may be able to access information, monitor actions, modify programs, or perform other functions on your computer without being detected.

Rootkits are made in such a way that it makes hackers hard to track. A computer infected with a rootkit will behave like a zombie, forcing it to attack other systems, distributing spam to steal passwords

According to sources from 101 Malware Problems & Handling, in fact, rootkits are blended threats, which consist of three components, including:

  • Dropperscode that initiates an installation process that requires someone else’s intervention, such as accessing an email malware link.
  • Loaders, the dropper will load the program loader and then will delete it. Once active, the rootkit will be loaded into the computer’s memory.
  • Rootkits.

Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that rootkits are malware that must be watched out for. These rootkits are very dangerous because no commercial product (antivirus or security software) can 100% find and remove all known or unknown rootkits.

Often, the only option to remove a rootkit is to completely remove or uninstall the software or, most definitely, to reformat the hard disk and rebuild the operating system.

Rootkit Type

There are several types of rootkits, ranging from rootkit kernels, rootkit libraries, to rootkit bootloaders. So that you can be more careful with rootkits on your computer, see an explanation of the types of rootkits below:

1. Kernel mode rootkit

Kernel rootkits are the most dangerous type of rootkit of all types. This is due to rootkit mode kernels which can damage devices after infecting them. The kernel rootkit itself runs at the kernel level or unprotected mode.

2. User mode rootkit or application rootkit

The next type is an application rootkit which is made by directly modifying the binary code of an application or what can be called binary code patching. This rootkit is easy to find in Trojan type malware to inject the virus into an object or system.

3. Rootkit libraries

Next is the rootkit library or the type of rootkit that programmers usually use to facilitate their work in developing an application. Usually the workings of this rootkit is to attack the library system.

4. Bootloader rootkits

A rootkit bootloader is a type of rootkit that runs in the MBR (Master Boot Records), so that this rootkit is able to control the boot process of the computer’s operating system. A rootkit bootloader can also be called a bootkit or Evil Maid Attack.

5. Rootkit-level hypervisors

Another type of rootkit is the rootkit-level hypervisor. This type of rootkit is capable of virtualizing the original operating system, thus becoming a guest operating system. That way, all control of the operating system can be taken over by this type of rootkit.

How Rootkits Work

As previously mentioned, rootkits are a type of malware that can easily hide in devices, such as computers or laptops. The way rootkits work is by attacking users to be able to access and change personal information, attack other computers, and commit other crimes.

This virus itself is difficult to be detected accurately 100% even from antivirus removal programs. To be able to get rid of it, the device must remove the rootkit using the rootkit hunter or Rkhunter tool.

For your information, rootkit hunters can maintain a database of hash values ​​of unidentified binary systems. When performing a system scan, Rkhunter will compare the hash values ​​of detected and undetected system files for rootkits.

Impact of Rootkit Disadvantages

When a rootkit manages to attack and enter the device, there are some losses that will be experienced. As a result of these impacts, devices, such as computers or laptops, may experience more severe damage. So, what are the disadvantages of rootkits? Here’s the information.

1. Causes malware infections

Rootkits can install malicious software on a computer, system or network that contains viruses, trojans, worms, ransomware, spyware, adware, and other malware that interferes with device performance or other privacy systems.

2. Steal or delete files

Rootkit can by itself access the network system that is on the computer. That way, rootkits have a high probability of destroying, stealing, and deleting files on the device automatically.

3. Steal personal information

Not only files can be accessed by rootkits, personal information contained in the device can also be easily stolen. In some cases, there are even those who deliberately use the person’s data for irresponsible actions, such as registering for online loans, credit cards, and so on.

4. Changing the system configuration

Another impact of this rootkit is the change in the system. How not, changes to the system used can form a stealth mode that makes detection by standard security software more difficult.

How to Avoid Rootkits

Previously, it was explained that rootkits can be removed by using an application called Rkhunter. The existence of this application aims to find out what data or files have been detected by rootkits. So, is there a right way to avoid rootkits? Here’s the information.

1. Use an antivirus

Using an antivirus is one of the most important ways to avoid rootkits. As you know, an antivirus is a computer program that is used to prevent, detect and remove malware.

2. Make sure the software is up to date

Updating the software can make it easier for you to maintain device security. By updating the software, indirectly the software has fixed the deficiencies in the previous version, the device used to update also gets protection from malware or other viruses.

3. Network monitoring

The network monitoring system is a system that functions to monitor activity on network devices. This monitoring is used to find out whether network devices have been infected with viruses or malware in them. In addition, monitoring can help to find out which network devices are dead and alive.

Example of Rootkits

Rootkits are a fairly common type of malware. Here are some of the most common that you should know:

1. Bootloader rootkits

As the name suggests, a bootloader rootkit is malware that targets computers at their boot system. This bootloader is capable of attacking a fully encrypted system and can then remove all requirements to be able to import computer drivers. Not only found on Linux-based computers, this type has also been found on Windows computers.

2. Kernel rootkits

Kernel Rootkits are one of the most dangerous types of rootkits as they can cause considerable damage. After successfully infecting the computer, Kernel Rootkit can modify the kernel data structure in Windows.

3. Rootkit libraries

The libraries mentioned here are often used by programmers to facilitate their work in creating and developing applications. Rootkits such as libraries can be embedded in these libraries and interfere with programs designed this way.

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