Smartfren Succeeds in Facing the 2023 Eid Traffic Surge

Berikut Smartfren Succeeds in Facing the 2023 Eid Traffic Surge
Yang terbaru kami bagikan untuk anda. Dapatkan informasi gadget terbaru hanya di – Jakarta – Smartfren managed to anticipate traffic spikes during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1444 H or Eid 2023, as well as homecoming and return trips. During the moment of the big day, it can be seen that access to data services has increased compared to last year’s Eid.

At the same moment in 2022, the increase in access to Smartfren data services reached 10% higher than normal days. Meanwhile, during Ramadan and Eid 2023, the increase in Smartfren traffic has reached 14% when compared to normal days.

While referring to last year’s Eid data, 2023 Eid traffic increased by 27% and occurred in various provinces. The highest increase in traffic occurred in Central Java by 23%, followed by East Java 13% and West Java 10%.

This growth is in line with the community’s digital needs, which include the need for online transportation services, online shopping applications, payment systems to online communication real-time using the app.


“Moments of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr and going home this year Smartfren saw a higher increase in internet access. The trigger is not only because there are no PPKM regulations, but also because of changes in behavior and patterns of internet use in the community,” said VP Network Operations Smartfren Agus Rohmat.

Based on the official statement received on Saturday (29/04/2023), Smartfren also recorded a significant increase in access to a number of digital applications when compared to access levels on normal days. The applications in question include TikTok by 28% and YouTube by 9%.

It can also be seen that the use of the WhatsApp instant messaging application has increased by up to 6%, sWhile for social media such as Facebook and Instagram, esports games such as Mobile Legends, Free Fire and the like also saw an increase in traffic in the range of 2% to 5%.

“Smartfren has also implemented the latest technologies that enhance the user experience. One of them is implementation content delivery network at a number of points, so as to optimize the customer’s internet access experience and reduce latency,” continued Agus.

Smartfren has also carried out a number of other initiatives to improve the quality of telecommunication services. One of them is by accelerating the process of fiberization or installation of optical fiber to welcome the 5G era.


Fiberization is a technology that must be implemented in order to increase the capacity of telecommunications services, especially in areas with high data traffic. Smartfren continues to improve coverageamong others by adding a total of 4,000 BTS in all its operational areas.
