Understanding the Definition, Features, and Functions of Turnitin

Understanding the Definition, Features, and Functions of Turnitin

Title: Understanding the Definition, Features, and Functions of Turnitin
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Turnitin is a tool for checking plagiarism in a written work, the way Turnitin works is to compare the uploaded text with an extensive database containing millions of documents, including scientific articles, journals and various other written works.

These tools are usually used in educational institutions such as schools or colleges. For those of you who are compiling scientific work and need this software to check plagiarism.

What is Turnitine?

Turnitine is a paid software that is used to automatically check the existence of plagiarism in a scientific paper.

The turnitin test is an activity of checking written work against electronic text from the internet. The electronic text can be in the form of articles, scientific journals, books that teachers or universities have previously uploaded to the Turnitin application.

Turnitin is third party software which they sell licenses to universities for internal use. With the Turnitin test, you will find words, phrases or sentences that are similar to other sources.

With the Turnitin tools, it is hoped that they will be able to increase the integrity of researchers or scientific writers through educational institutions as their clients.

Turnitine features

Turnitin provides various features that help users detect plagiarism and improve the quality of their writing. The following are some of the features provided by Turnitin.

1. Peermarks

The peermark feature allows users to get reviews from fellow workers or students. Turnitin will distribute the text directly to reviewers registered in the Turnitin database.

With peermarks, users can get useful feedback and reviews about their writing. However, it is important to remember that using Peermark also means that the uploaded posts will be open to the public to read.

2. Grademarks

Grademark is a Turnitin feature that is used to review and revise a scientific work. This feature allows lecturers or editors who are registered as reviewers to check written work directly.

In addition, the reviewer can leave notes in the form of deficiencies that must be corrected so that it is easier for the writer to make revisions.

3. Originality check

Originality check is a feature that plays an important role in identifying potential plagiarism in works.

Turnitin is a tool with an advanced database that automatically checks the originality of texts and compares them with various sources on the internet. This check will produce a report indicating whether there are parts of the text that have similarities with the material in the Turnitin database.

4. Similarity reports

Similarity report is a report produced by Originality checking which shows the percentage of similarity between essays or scientific works and existing sources. The Similarity Report displays detailed and complete information about those similarities, including sources deemed plagiarized, words or phrases that are the same, and the total percentage of similarities.

5. Quickmarks

Quickmark is a useful turnaround feature when you want to quickly and easily provide feedback or suggestions to improve your writing or academic work. Quickmark provides a series of comments or suggestions for improvement that are often used in academic activities such as grammar, spelling, writing, etc. The teacher or trainer can select the appropriate comment category and add more detailed comments if needed.

6. Revision assistant

Revision assistant is a turnitin feature to help students or researchers improve their writing or academic work. The review assistant provides concise and detailed suggestions for improvement and feedback on every aspect of your writing, such as completeness, accuracy, quality of language, etc. Review assistants also allow students or researchers to ask questions or ask for help if they experience difficulties. through their writing or their increased academic work.

7. ETS E-rater

ETS E-reter is a turnitin feature that allows users to evaluate grammar, spelling, and word usage in student documents automatically. This feature can help speed up the assessment process.

Turnitine function

Turnitin’s main function is to check plagiarism in a scientific work to avoid plagiarism from other sources. But not only that, there are several other functions of Turnitin including the following:

1. Increase credibility

Writing works without plagiarism is one way to build your reputation or credibility. Pure writing the result of one’s own hard work will certainly be more appreciated and considered an original work Making original and quality work indirectly helps build the author’s reputation.

2. Make revisions

Plagiarism can occur accidentally or unintentionally, this is caused by the similarity of word composition in a sentence. Therefore after the Turnitin test you will get which parts are detected as plagiarism so you revise them immediately.

3. Prevent plagiarism

After knowing which parts are detected as plagiarism and then revising them, this will keep you away from plagiarism. Because after all plagiarism will harm the original author and those who plagiarize will also be penalized.

4. Knowing the level of similarity

If the Turnitin test has been carried out, then you will receive a report on which parts have a high enough similarity score. Similarity is the resemblance or similarity of an article when compared to other written works.

That way, you only need to fix certain parts that get a high similarity score to avoid the impression of plagiarism.

Tips for Passing the Turnitin Test

When they were about to take the Turnitin test, maybe some students were anxious, worried that their work would be detected with a lot of plagiarism. To prevent this, below are tips on passing the Turnitin test that you can follow!

1. Attach a credible source

The first tip is to attach a credible source. Make sure you include and refer to all sources you use or refer to in your writing. This applies both to research, papers, or other scientific writing. Be sure to include sources in full without exception.

Documents such as laws, presidential decrees, articles or verses are documents whose meaning cannot be changed, if you use sentences from these sources then these inclusions or quotations tend to be very similar. So as a tip, you must avoid using these documents so that plagiarism is not detected.

3. Use the paraphrasing technique

To ensure the passing of your writing in the Turnitin test, you can use the paraphrasing technique in writing sentences. By using this technique, you can produce writing that is unique and not plagiarized directly from a reference source.

4. Do not plagiarize

Plagiarizing other people’s work is something you should avoid. This action has a big risk, not only in the Turnitin test, but also reduces our writing ability.

In addition, the accuracy of the Turnitin test is very high, so if you try to replicate other people’s work, it is likely that the similarity number shown by Turnitin will increase.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Turnitin

Perhaps, Turnitin is one of the best writing originality check tools that both students and professionals can use. However, as with other software, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages that you need to know about.

The following is a list of Turnitin’s advantages and disadvantages as revealed by Edusson:

1. Excess turnitin

  • Prevent plagiarism.
  • Examiner comments can be recorded or typed.
  • Provides detailed feedback to users.
  • Accepts various file types.
  • The results of the examination are considered fast.

2. Lack of turnitin

  • Requires internet access.
  • Sometimes it is slow and needs to be refreshed frequently.
  • Focus on text match percentage rather than developing users’ writing skills.
  • Unable to accurately distinguish properly quoted text from plagiarism.

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