Wow! YouTube Directs Children to Watch Shooting Videos

Berikut Wow! YouTube Directs Children to Watch Shooting Videos
Yang terbaru kami bagikan untuk anda. Dapatkan informasi gadget terbaru hanya di – Jakarta – YouTube is allegedly not child-friendly, as it is reported that the Google-owned app directs children to watch videos of shootings on its platform.

quoted Telset from Engadget on Wednesday (17/05/2023), YouTube recommendations led young people to videos about school shootings and other gun-related content, according to a new report made Tech Transparency Task (TTP).

The non-profit watchdog group on algorithmic technology says YouTube’s recommendations are driving boys interested in video games to school shootings.

Then videos contain instructions on how to use and modify weapons and other gun-centric content.


The researchers behind the report created 4 new YouTube accounts impersonating two 9 year old boys and two 14 year old boys.

All of these accounts watch playlists of content about populer video games, such as Roblox, Lego star Wars, Halo, and Grand Theft Auto (GTA). The researchers then tracked the account’s recommendations over a 30-day period in November 2022.

“This study found that not only did YouTube push content about shootings and guns across all gamer accounts, but it pushed more users to click on other shooting videos recommended by YouTube,” wrote TTP.

The videos included scenes depicting school shootings and other mass shootings, graphics on how much damage a gun can do to the human body and guides on how to convert a pistol into an automatic weapon.

As the report notes, some of the recommended videos appear to violate YouTube’s own policies.

The recommendations include a video of a young girl firing a pistol and educational converting a pistol into a fully automatic weapon and other modifications. Some of these videos are also monetized with ads.

In a statement, a spokesperson for YouTube said that the YouTube application, especially YouTube Kids, is able to create a safer experience for children and adolescents.

“We welcome research on our recommendations, and we are exploring more ways to bring academic researchers to study our systems,” the spokesperson said.


A YouTube spokesperson also criticized the research conducted by the agency, for not providing context on how many videos in total are recommended to test accounts.

It also does not provide insight into how the test accounts were set up, including whether researchers used them during testing YouTube Supervised Experiences Tools to access videos. [NM/HBS]
