6 Ways to Find the Location of the Nearest Gas Station via HP During Eid Mudik

Berikut 6 Ways to Find the Location of the Nearest Gas Station via HP During Eid Mudik
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Telset.id – For those of you who are going home for Eid 2023, please learn how to find the following gas station location. So that homecoming goes smoothly, and reaches the destination safely and on time.

As is known, gas stations are very important for travelers who use private vehicles. This is because a trip to your hometown takes a long distance, and requires you to refuel.

Therefore knowing the whereabouts of the nearest gas station, really helps you to refuel easily. Technological developments make it easier for people to find information such as the location of gas stations when going home for Eid.

You can find the nearest Gas Station via online, especially smartphones, which can be accessed in the vehicle. For those who don’t know how, here are 6 ways to find the nearest gas station location via online when going home for Eid 2023.


1. Find the Nearest Gas Station on the Pertamina Website

Pertamina Gas Station

Pertamina makes it easy for the public to find information on Pertamina gas stations through its official website. This site can be accessed during Eid 2023 homecoming, or long trips using private vehicles. Here’s the complete tutorial:

  • Open Pertamina’s website at https://pertaminaretail.com/jaringan-dan-facilities/ on your smartphone.
  • Go to menus Select Provinceand write the name of the province according to your current location.
  • Later information on Pertamina gas station numbers and addresses according to location will be displayed.

2. Find the nearest gas station location in MyPertamina


The MyPertamina site has many features, one of which is the feature that displays the nearest gas station. On the MyPertamina gas station menu, information on available gas station data will be presented according to the selected city or district. Here’s the complete tutorial:

  • First, open the MyPertamina gas station site at https://mypertamina.id/spbu.
  • Next, write the name of the city/district according to the current location on the menu Select City/District.
  • Information on Pertamina gas station numbers and addresses according to location will be displayed.

3. Find the Nearest Gas Station Through the MyPertamina Application

MyPertamina application

Apart from the website version, MyPertamina also has an application that can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and App Store. In this application there are many features, one of which is the search for the nearest gas station.

  • Download the MyPertamina application on the Play Store or App Store.
  • Open the MyPertamina application then register or log in to the menu register/login account.
  • Click menus Nearest Outlets followed by View all.
  • Press options List in the upper right corner, and information on the list of Pertamina gas station locations closest to your location will be displayed in the application.

4. Find the Location of the Nearest Gas Station via Pertamina Siaga

Pertamina Alert the Location of the Nearest Gas Station

Specifically for the 2023 Lebaran homecoming activity, Pertamina has also prepared an additional nearest gas station search service called Pertamina Siaga 2023. This service will display information on Pertamina gas stations spread across 7 regional areas in Indonesia. Here’s the full how-to:

  • Open the Pertamina Siaga website at https://pertaminiaga.com/ on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Click menus Marketing Operation Region on the top left, to search gas station search by region.
  • Next, a map will appear showing the location of gas stations in the selected regional area.
  • Please select the closest gas station location to your location while on the trip.
  • Later information on the nearest gas station data according to the selected location will be displayed.

5. Find the nearest Shell gas station online

Shell gas station

We also provide information about Shell gas stations. This refueling service from the United States has spread quite evenly in Indonesia, so it can be an option in finding the nearest gas station for going home.

  • Do a search for the nearest Shell gas station through the site https://www.shell.co.id/in_id/pengendara-bermotor/pencari-spbu-shell.html
  • The next step, enter your current location in the search field.
  • Then click options Search or Search. Wait a few moments and information on the location of the nearest Shell gas station to your location will be displayed.

6. Find the nearest gas station via Google Maps

Google's Nearest Gas Station Locations

You can also get the location of the nearest gas station via Google Maps. It’s easy and you only need to do a few steps.

  • Open the Google Maps application on the smartphone.
  • Enter the name of your location or the location you want to search for in the search field.
  • Next click options Directions or route. Later information on the location of the nearest gas station to your location will be displayed.


This is information on how to find the nearest gas station location for Eid 2023 homecoming. Please try it when you are on a trip, so that the fuel capacity is maintained. [NM/HBS]
