Blue Tick Accounts Can Test Twitter’s Encrypted Messages

Berikut Blue Tick Accounts Can Test Twitter’s Encrypted Messages
Yang terbaru kami bagikan untuk anda. Dapatkan informasi gadget terbaru hanya di – Jakarta – Twitter has now introduced a new feature for verified accounts, this feature allows users to send encrypted messages to other users.

The encrypted message feature has long been promised by Elon Musk’s social media. However, this initial rollout has limitations as not all users get to experience it.

It should be noted, the encrypted messaging feature is currently only available to users who have pocketed official verification from the company, including Twitter Blue subscribers as well as verified organizational accounts.


Reported Telset from Engadget, on the other hand it’s unclear whether this is just for the initial rollout or the message encryption feature is an exclusive feature for users with a blue tick, and currently both users must have verification to use the feature.

Apart from that, there are also other limitations such as the feature does not support group messages or any media other than links. The company also doesn’t allow users to report encrypted messages directly, instead they have to go through the help page.

Verified User's Twitter Encrypted Messages

Meanwhile, the level of encryption provided also looks less secure than other social media. This is because the message metadata is not encrypted. Twitter said it was not protecting messages from man-in-the-middle cyberattacks and pointed out that companies could still access them without user permission.

This feature clearly contradicts Elon Musk’s statement when he expressed his desire to add encryption to direct messages on Twitter. He said he wanted the company not to be able to access users’ encrypted messages even in a pinch.


In a Tweet, Twitter security engineer Christopher Stanley acknowledged the flaws saying the company had not yet reached the standard and was trying to continue improving the feature.

For verified accounts, encrypted messages can be accessed via the info menu in certain direct messages. Once encryption is enabled, messages appear as separate message threads with a label at the top as a bookmark. [FY/HBS]
