Lirik Lagu IT'S ME Alan Walker Style #Viral Populer 1nfo

Lirik Lagu IT’S ME Alan Walker Style #Viral Populer 1nfo

Berikut adalah Lirik Lagu IT’S ME Alan Walker Style Style yang kami bagikan kepada anda. Gratis lirik lagu dan chord gitar hanya di @admin

Lirik Lagu IT'S ME Alan Walker Style

Lirik Lagu

I sing your song
Yet every day I'm weak
Just play along
Maybe one day you'll see
Tales of old, whispers from the deep
This voice I hear, it's calling for me
Keeping all I want just out of reach
Show me all that we could be
I'm set loose, hear my final plea
These chains of gold, please set me free
Inside my mind, there's a raging sea
Losing all reality
Left stumbling through the dark
Led by a single, flaming spark
Ready to glow, like a dying star
My vision blurs, I've left my mark
Broken, bleeding like a heart
It was shattered from the start
Oh but these forces, they keep tearing us apart
Oh but these forces are tearing us apart
What is there left to do?
I see my past fading
Down in the dark
I feel something deep inside
Forces rising
What is there left to do?
I see my past fading
Down in the dark
I feel something deep inside
Forces rising
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Tales of old, whispers from the deep
This voice I hear, it's calling for me
Keeping all I want just out of reach
Show me all that we could be
I'm set loose, hear my final plea
These chains of gold, please set me free
Inside my mind, there's a raging sea
Losing all reality
I'm set loose, hear my final plea
These chains of gold, please set me free
Inside my mind, there's a raging sea
Losing all reality
Losing all reality

Chord Gitar

Chord Kosong / Tidak Ada



Distro Infinity

Dapatkan Chord Gitar Lirik Lagu Gratis Selain IT’S ME Alan Walker Style:

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