Lirik Lagu Exes Tate McRae #Best Populer 1

Lirik Lagu Exes Tate McRae #Best Populer 1

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Lirik Lagu Exes Tate McRae Lirik Lagu #Best Populer 1

  • Lirik Lagu
  • Chord gitar
  • Informasi
  • Lyrics: 
    Oh, I’m sorry, sorry that you love me
    Changed my mind up like it’s origami
    Oh, I’m sorry, sorry that you love me
    Changed my mind up like it’s origami
    K-Kisses to my exes who don’t give a shit about me
    Kisses, kisses to the next ones who think they can live without me
    We make up, then we break up
    Then they swear they’ll never call me
    But I still keep their number and their necklace
    Kisses to my exes
    Happens every time, I don’t mean, mean to be cold, but that’s how I get
    Me and my all my pride
    Try to burn down every damn bridge anytime we can
    And again
    Imma, Imma, Imma
    Wild ride that never stops
    Imma, Imma, Imma
    Hard case they can’t unlock
    And I, and I swear
    I care a lot, just not enough
    Let’s just say
    It is what it is and was what it was
    K-Kisses to my exes who don’t give a shit about me
    Kisses, kisses to the next ones who think they can live without me
    We make up, then we break up
    Then they swear they’ll never call me
    But I still keep their number and their necklace
    Kisses to my exes
    Oh, I’m sorry, sorry that you love me
    Changed my mind up like it’s origami
    Oh, I’m sorry, sorry that you love me
    Changed my mind up like it’s ori-
    Say, say I wanna go, then then, I wanna leave
    Make another promise that I can’t keep
    I don’t ever know what I want
    But that’s what you want
    If you’re down, well then don’t blame me
    Breaking it all before it starts
    Making it all up in my head
    But I just overshare about things I never meant
    Imma, Imma, Imma
    Wild ride that never stops
    Imma, Imma, Imma
    Hard case they can’t unlock
    And I, and I swear
    I care a lot, just not enough
    Let’s just say
    It is what it is and was what it was
    K-Kisses to my exes who don’t give a shit about me
    Kisses, kisses to the next ones who think they can live without me
    We make up, then we break up
    Then they swear they’ll never call me
    But I still keep their number and their necklace
    Kisses to my exes
    Oh, I’m sorry, sorry that you love me
    Changed my mind up like it’s origami
    Oh, I’m sorry, sorry that you love me
    Changed my mind up like it’s origami
    Kisses to my exes, I know that I did you dirty
    Little messed up, little selfish
    We ain’t married, I ain’t 30
    Yeah we hooked up, then we broke up 
    Then I said you really hurt me
    But I still got your number and your necklace
    Kisses to my exes
  • -- Kosong --

Dapatkan Chord Gitar Lirik Lagu Gratis Selain Exes Tate McRae:

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