XL Axiata Changes the Composition of the Board of Directors and Divides IDR 551.7 Billion

Berikut XL Axiata Changes the Composition of the Board of Directors and Divides IDR 551.7 Billion
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iwanrj.com – Jakarta – On Friday 5 May 2023 PT XL Axiata Tbk has held the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), this meeting approved changes to the composition of the company’s board of directors.

In addition, the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders also contains an agreement to distribute dividends to shareholders of IDR 551.7 billion or around 50% of profits after adjustments. The company’s decision to provide dividends is a form of appreciation for shareholders who have supported the company.

From the official statement received TelsetPresident Director and CEO of XL Axiata Dian Siswarini said that the 2023 GMS again approved the use of 50% of profits to be distributed as dividends for shareholders.


“This year, the meeting again agreed to use 50% of the profits after being adjusted to be distributed as dividends for shareholders. The company’s decision is a form of appreciation to shareholders who have supported the company so that it can continue to grow,” said Dian.

The total dividend distributed is around IDR 551.7 billion which is equivalent to IDR 42 per share. Meanwhile, the rest of the profits will be used by the company as a general reserve of IDR 100 million and the rest will be held to support the company’s development.

For a more complete resolution of the meeting, in the first agenda item, this meeting approved the Persereon Annual Report including the Supervisory Report of the Board of Commissioners, as well as ratified the Company’s Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ending December 31.

In the first agenda item, the meeting also provides for the granting of full release and discharge of responsibility to the members of the board of directors and the board of commissioners of the company for the management and supervision carried out during the 2022 financial year.

Proceeding to the second agenda item, the meeting approved the determination of the company’s net profit for the financial year ending December 31, 2022 with the provision that 50% of profits after adjustments are distributed to shareholders as dividends, giving power and authority to the directors to determine the schedule and method of dividend distribution.

The second agenda item also approved the allocation of general reserves of IDR 100,000,000 and the remaining IDR 557,613,000,000 to be recorded as retained earnings to support business development.

In the third agenda item, the meeting appointed Public Accountant Kanton Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan (a member firm of the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network) as the company’s external auditor with Public Accountant Lok Budianto to audit the financial statements for the financial year ending 31 December 2023 and the financial statements other.

The fourth item on the agenda is an accountability report on the realization of the use of proceeds from the Public Offering of sustainable bonds II phase 1 of the company, the public offering of sustainable sukuk ijarah III phase 1 of the company, and additional capital by granting preemptive rights to the company III.

The fifth agenda item of the GMS grants power and authority to the Company’s Board of Commissioners to determine the amount of salary, bonus and other benefits for members of the company’s board of directors.

In addition, the meeting also authorized the Company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee to determine salaries, bonuses and other benefits for members of the Company’s Board of Commissioners, in accordance with the structure and amount of remuneration based on the company’s remuneration policy for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.


Lastly on the sixth agenda, the meeting approved changes to the composition of the board of directors. This change is related to the replacement of the Finance Director following Budi Pramantika’s resignation. As his replacement is Feiruz Ikhwan, a professional who previously had a career in companies under Axiata Group Bhd, including at XL Axiata.

For the composition of the Board of Directors of XL Axiata which is new and effective since the meeting was closed with Dian Siswarini as President Director. Feiruz Ikhwan, Abhijit Jayant Navalekar, Yessie Dianty Yosetya, David Arcelus Oses, and I Gede Darmayusa became Directors. Meanwhile, for the Board of Commissioners there is no change.

The following is the composition of the Board of Directors of XL Axiata as a result of the 2023 GMS:

  • President Director : Dian Siswarini
  • Director : Feiruz Ikhwan
  • Director : Abhijit Jayant Navalekar
  • Director : Yessie Dianty Yosetya
  • Director : David Arcelus Oses
  • Director : I Gede Darmayusa

The following is the composition of the Board of Commissioners of XL Axiata as a result of the 2023 GMS:

  • President Commissioner : Dr. Muhammad Chatib Basri
  • Commissioner : Vivek Sood
  • Commissioner : Dr. Hans Wijayasuriya
  • Commissioner : Dr. David Robert Dean
  • Independent Commissioner : Muliadi Rahardja
  • Independent Commissioner : Yasmin Stamboel Wirjawan
  • Independent Commissioner : Julianto Sidarto
