3 Ways to Monitor Lebaran Homecoming Flows Through CCTV, So You Don't Get Stuck in Traffic!

3 Ways to Monitor Lebaran Homecoming Flows Through CCTV, So You Don’t Get Stuck in Traffic!

Berikut 3 Ways to Monitor Lebaran Homecoming Flows Through CCTV, So You Don’t Get Stuck in Traffic!
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iwanrj.com – Jakarta – People are starting to leave Jakarta and other big cities for the 2023 Eid homecoming. For those of you who are just starting their homecoming trip, please monitor the Eid homecoming flow using Travoy and several available CCTV camera links so you don’t get stuck in traffic.

This year the government has given permission to the public to go home for Eid in their hometowns, after 2 years of being banned due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, since last week there has been a density of vehicles on the Lebaran homecoming route.

In order to help the public see the condition of homecoming flows, PT Jasa Marga, the Ministry of BUMN and the Ministry of PUPR released the Travoy application. Through this application, travelers can find out traffic conditions at several points that are often passed by motorists through the CCTV camera feature there.

Not only that, Travoy also provides several other features such as information about toll rates, the location of the nearest rest area, the location of the nearest gas station, information on traffic disturbances and traffic engineering on toll roads, as well as an e-money balance check feature.

Apart from the Travoy application, there are also other sites that you can access to monitor the 2023 Eid homecoming flow, such as links from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways. Here’s how to monitor the 2023 Eid homecoming flow through these three platforms.

Also read:

1. How to Monitor Homecoming Flows on the Travoy Application

For you smartphone users, you can download the Travoy application on the Google Play Store in the App Store, and use the CCTV feature to monitor traffic during the 2023 homecoming period.

  • Download the Travoy application and register an account by tapping the menu List.
  • If you don’t want to register, you can tap the icon Skip without logging in.

Eid Homecoming

  • Select the CCTV menu and write down the name of the street you want to know about. For example the Cipali Toll Road.

Eid homecoming

  • Later CCTV monitoring will appear regarding traffic conditions on the Cipali Toll Road.

2. How to Monitor Homecoming Flows on the Ministry of Transportation Website

The next way is to use the website belonging to the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). A practical step because all you have to do is access the link using webbrowser like Google Chrome or Opera Mini.

  • Open a web browser such as Google Chrome or Opera Mini.
  • Write site http://rttmc.dephub.go.id/rttmc/livecctv in the address bar and visit the site.
  • Select which area you want to monitor traffic conditions.

holiday traffic

  • Later, traffic conditions will be seen during the 2022 Eid homecoming.

3. Monitor Homecoming Flows on the PUPR Ministry Site

The PUPR Ministry through the Directorate General of Highways also has a site that contains street CCTV that travelers often pass by. The site can be viewed for free on your smartphone or laptop.

  • Open a web browser such as Google Chrome or Opera Mini.
  • Write site https://binamarga.pu.go.id/index.php/contents/cctv in address bar and visit the site.
  • Select which area you want to monitor road conditions.

holiday traffic

  • Then you can see the traffic conditions in the area during the 2023 Eid homecoming.

4. Monitor the Homecoming Flow at the Transportation Agency’s ATCS

Department of Transportation (Dishub) from certain cities or districts throughout Indonesia. Traffic monitoring broadcast on ATCS Dishub’s online CCTV can be accessed on various websites that are adjusted to the region. For example, for the Bandung area, there is https://atcs-dishub.bandung.go.id/ which you can access in a browser.

  • Go to https://atcs-dishub.bandung.go.id/
  • Click CCTV live streaming.3 Ways to Monitor Lebaran Homecoming Flows Through CCTV, So You Don't Get Stuck in Traffic! 67
  • After that, select the area you want to monitor, for example the Gedebage area3 Ways to Monitor Lebaran Homecoming Flows Through CCTV, So You Don't Get Stuck in Traffic! 69
  • Choose the direction of the CCTV camera that you want.3 Ways to Monitor Lebaran Homecoming Flows Through CCTV, So You Don't Get Stuck in Traffic! 71

5. Monitor Homecoming Flow on Google Maps

3 Ways to Monitor Lebaran Homecoming Flows Through CCTV, So You Don't Get Stuck in Traffic! 73

Finally, there is Google Maps that you can rely on to monitor the condition of the road that will be passed when you go home for Eid 2023. The traffic flow on Google Maps which is red is a sign that the road is congested and the redder it indicates the road is getting more congested with conditions not running.

With a traffic indicator with color, you can choose another route that Google Maps recommends to avoid traffic jams, so you can drive faster.


Well, that was information about how to monitor the 2023 Lebaran homecoming flow via CCTV on the Trevoy application, links to the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of PUPR. Please choose which method is the most practical and happy homecoming. [NM/HBS]
