6 Eid Greetings on WhatsApp for Loved Ones

Berikut 6 Eid Greetings on WhatsApp for Loved Ones
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Telset.id – WhatsApp provides recommendations for Eid greetings for loved ones. These remarks were made by famous singers, artists, and writers in Indonesia.

The holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end, and Eid al-Fitr 1444 H is in sight, a great celebration which is a moment of victory for all Muslims. You can meet not everyone during Eid, but you can still maintain friendship by giving Eid greetings to your loved ones.

Through WhatsApp, your private messages remain protected by default End to End Encryption, so messages stay between you.

There are various features on WhatsApp that you can use to make Eid greetings feel more personal, by sending photos, videos, avatars, voice messages, or uploading Statuses.

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6 Eid Greetings on WhatsApp

In order to enliven the moment of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri or Eid 2023, WhatsApp also provides 6 recommendations for Eid greetings for loved ones from 6 different figures.

They are Analisa Widyaningrum, Ayudia C, Bapak2ID, Ivan Lanin, Kunto Aji, and Marchella FP. Here are the six Eid greetings in question:

1. Meaningful Eid Greetings with Prayer Inserts

First from Analisa Widyaningrum, S.Psi, M.Psi a Psychologist, CEO @apdcindonesia, and content creator Analisa Channel which discusses mental health.

According to him, Eid is the right moment to send meaningful messages to loved ones, especially family, is sincere and touches the heart, and here are Eid greetings on WhatsApp made by him that you can use.

“Like a river that keeps flowing, the holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end. Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum taqabbal yaa kariim, wa ja’alanaallaahu wa iyyaakum minal ‘aaidin wal faaiziin wal maqbuulin kullu ‘ammin wa antum bi khair. Happy Aidil Fitri 1 Syawal 1444 H, sorry to be born and inner heart. May the blessings of Ramadan always flow for all of us.”

2. Eid Greetings and Say Sorry to the Family

Eid Greetings WhatsApp

Artist, entrepreneur and book writer Ayudia Chaerani also has Eid greetings on WhatsApp that are inspiring. The remarks he made not only expressed a happy Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H, but also apologized to his family for what he had done so far. This is his homemade speech:

“In this month of Ramadan, I believe that our hope is to become a better person. For Sekala, who is getting more and more mature, I hope when we grow up, we can always celebrate Eid with Mama and Dido. Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1444 Hijri, sorry to be born and inner heart. Hopefully we can all meet the month of Ramadan to come, bro!

3. Eid greetings in the style of Bapak2ID

Bapak2ID, an Instagram account with 1.3 million followers that makes funny and useful posts about life and tips on being a father or husband, doesn’t want to miss giving their Eid greetings.

Of course, the greetings created by Bapak2ID are intended for other gentlemen, and are made with funny words.

“Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings. Hello, sir (…)! Happy Eid Al-Fitr, may Allah accept all of our deeds and hopefully you can forgive all my mistakes and oversights. Amen. Finally I want to ask for help, sir. Don’t get excited about eating later, your neck will lock the handlebars.”

4. Eid Greetings According to KBBI

Who does not know the figure of Ivan Lanin. Indonesian language lovers, who through their social networks often share information about Indonesian. The man from West Sumatra also inspired Eid greetings according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) rules. Following are his words:

“Our fasting is over after a full month of Ramadan. May all our deeds be accepted and mercy be showered upon us abundantly. Now it’s time to celebrate Victory Day with relatives and friends. Eid Al-Fitr Mubarak. Forgive me body and soul. Hopefully we can meet again in the next Ramadan.”

5. Eid Greetings in the style of Kunto Aji

Kunto Aji Greeting WhatsApp

Not only among artists, psychology and influencers. There are also recommendations for Eid al-Fitr greetings on WhatsApp by singer Kunto Aji. The musician from Yogyakarta interprets Eid as a reminder to go home, so the words he wrote are as follows:

“As long as there is still a home to go home and start everything, like the month of Ramadan which is always able to bring together intimate moments for family gatherings and restarting togetherness that many may have missed.”

“There is emotion, yes. But gratitude must always be maintained. A month full of forgiveness both physically and spiritually for all of us! Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1444 H, may the blessings and good intentions always come to us in this month, which day and night are glorious!

6. Eid Greetings for Beloved Mothers

WhatsApp sayingsLastly is Marchella FP. The author and IP Owner of the books “Generation90s” and “Later We Tell About Today” wrote Eid greetings to his beloved mother. The reason is because mothers are an important figure in his life and writing greetings to mothers must be honest according to one’s heart. Here is what it says:

“Mom, I’m sorry Chelo. Often rarely at home, often busy at work, often don’t have time to eat at home even though it’s the most delicious food in the world. Happy Eid, I hope we still have time to experience more Eid together.”

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This is information regarding recommendations for 6 Eid greetings on WhatsApp from Analisa Widyaningrum, Ivan Lanin to Kunto Aji. We hope that this will inspire you to give greetings to your beloved friends and family.
