Berikut After the Update, Edit Google Photos on Tablets Easier
Yang terbaru kami bagikan untuk anda. Dapatkan informasi gadget terbaru hanya di – Jakarta – Google just rolled out updates the Google Photos application for tablets, which changes the layout of the photo editing feature so that the process of editing photo content in the application is more comfortable and easy.
Google Photos is a photo library application as well as photo editing, because there are several editing features in the application. However, the drawback of this application is the photo editing feature, the layout of which is inconvenient for tablet users.
The layout of Google Photos on the previous tablet wasn’t considered ideal as it’s just an extended version of the smartphone. Realizing this shortcoming, Google changed the layout of the editing tools in the Photos update for tablets.
According to the Google News Telegram Channel, the tablet version of the app will soon change so that it looks very similar to other photo editing apps when in editing mode.
Furthermore, Google News Telegram editor Nail Sadykov through his Twitter account said that the latest tablet interface on Google Photos will instead display tools in the side panel. Don’t forget that Nail also displays a tablet version of the Photos image in his post.
“Google Photo Editing tool will soon be optimized for tablets in landscape mode. Up until now, it looked like an extended mobile version, but Google will change that soon. The editing tools are on the right, while the photo being edited will be displayed on the left.” Tweet @Nail_Sadykov.
Google Photos Edit tool will soon be optimized for tablets in landscape mode.
Until now, it has looked like a stretched mobile version, but Google will soon change that. The main editing tools will now be on the right, while the photo being edited will be displayed on the left.
— Наиль Садыков (@Nail_Sadykov) May 8, 2023
Changes only occur in the layout, because there are no changes in terms of features. However, the convenient repositioning makes it easier for tablet users to navigate images as needed while accessing several editing features.

quoted Telset from PhoneArena as of Tuesday (09/05/2023), this new layout has not yet been mass-launched and is only visible in the latest version of the Photos app for tablets.
Even so, the new layout seems to be welcomed by users editing their photos on tablets, as it provides a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.
With the new layout, users can easily edit their photos on their tablet and share them with friends and family. [NM/HBS]