iPhone 14 Pro Battery Swollen After 6 Months of Use

Berikut iPhone 14 Pro Battery Swollen After 6 Months of Use
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iwanrj.com – Jakarta – The quality of the iPhone battery is in the spotlight, after news circulated of an iPhone 14 Pro user who complained that his cellphone battery was swollen after 6 months of use.

Recently, several iPhone users reported a severe battery swelling problem on the internet. They expressed concern about battery quality on certain iPhone models, specifically the iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 Pro.

They claim that the problem occurs even when their device is used normally. For example, a user who bought an iPhone 14 Pro in December 2022 stated that the HP battery had swollen even though it was just purchased 6 months ago.


iPhone 14 Pro Swollen Battery

Looks like the photo above, the iPhone 14 Pro looks more prominent, aka swollen on the back, compared to normal size.

This unnamed user, has called Apple tech support 3 times with disappointing results. When contacted the first time, Apple refused to fix the problem.

When contacted again there was a bright spot, where a senior adviser promised to replace the device if the battery problem was due to a product defect, not the user’s fault. Unfortunately, this promise has not been kept until now.

Until then, Apple finally took the swollen iPhone 14 Pro and when it was returned the cellphone condition was back to normal. It is possible that the battery has been replaced, and the Apple technician did not provide any information regarding the condition of the latest Apple smartphone.

According to claims from Apple, the case experienced by the anonymous user was not an isolated case of swelling of the iPhone battery. So it is not known what caused the HP to swell.

However, speculation arose that the iPhone 14 Pro battery swelling problem might be caused by users placing their phones in high temperature environments or charging them under high temperature conditions.


quoted Telset from Gizmochina As of Sunday (14/05/2023), further investigation is needed to determine the root cause of this problem and whether it is indeed due to a manufacturing defect or user habits.
