Working on the Twitter AI Project, Elon Musk Purchases 10,000 GPUs

Berikut Working on the Twitter AI Project, Elon Musk Purchases 10,000 GPUs
Yang terbaru kami bagikan untuk anda. Dapatkan informasi gadget terbaru hanya di – Jakarta – Twitter is currently preparing an AI project by hiring former DeepMind researchers, and to support the project Elon Musk is buying up 10,000 GPUs.

According to Business InsiderElon Musk recently purchased as many as 10,000 GPUs to use in one of Twitter’s two data centers, as part of his commitment to the AI ​​project.

Reported Telset from Engadgetthe project will involve creating generative AI technologies that companies with massive Twitter data will train, though it’s still unclear how the company will implement the technology.


On the other hand, this generative AI will likely be used to add search functionality to platforms or assist companies in rebuilding their advertising business.

On the other hand, this report also contradicts Musk’s recent decision to sign an open letter, which suggested a six-month time lag for AI development.

In addition, Musk has also been one of the most vocal in criticizing OpenAI, which is an artificial intelligence company that he actually co-founded in 2015.

However, a recent report from Semafor mentions Musk’s feud with OpenAI was more personal to the founders of OpenAI at the time.

So the story goes, in 2018, Musk told Sam Altman, one of his colleagues who is also the founder of OpenAI, that their lab was still far behind Google.

Musk then suggested that he could become the one who runs the company in full, aka Musk wants to control the majority of the company. But the proposal that Musk offered was rejected by Altman and other OpenAI founders.

That failed power struggle left Musk reeling and eventually leaving OpenAI. Even though it was open to the public, both parties admitted that the partnership was due to a conflict of interest involving Tesla.

Even though he decided to leave, at that time OpenAI revealed that the billionaire would still continue to fund his research. However, according to Semafor, Musk has made no further disbursement after his departure – despite promises to give the company around $1 billion.


Musk’s sudden departure from the OpenAI project left the company struggling to find funding for development. As a result, OpenAI had to struggle to raise money, and ended up getting a $1 billion capital injection from Microsoft in 2019.

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November 2022 and immediately dominated headlines news around the world, making Musk very angry.

One month later, he cut OpenAI’s access to Twitter’s data firehose. And now it appears he wants to compete with his old firm head-on.

To realize his ambition of beating chatGPT, the richest man in the world immediately bought up 10,000 GPUs to work on AI on Twitter. Will Musk be able to compete with OpenAI directly? We will see later.[FY/HBS]
